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7月/ 2018年8月

杂志 特性

How YouTube Influencer Marketing Created 2017's Toy of the Year

Connecting with the right online video stars helps sell a product. Here's how WowWee's savvy YouTube campaign made Fingerlings a breakout hit.

挖掘它! Streaming Video in Mining and Offshore Exploration

The streaming world is bigger than Netflix and UGC. Learn how exploration and engineering companies use rugged systems to stream video from the harshest conditions on the globe.

Return of the Codec Wars: A New Hope—a Streaming Summer Sequel

The rebel AV1 codec launched at NAB. Is it ready to use the force and go head-to-head with the galactic empire of H.264, HEVC, and VP9?

Charting Where Enterprise Video Will Go in the Years Ahead

What's new and next for corporate video? Improved search and discovery, an eye toward monetization, and a resurgence of on-prem or hybrid solutions.

Head-to-Head: Switcher Studio vs. Teradek Live:Air Action

Today, producers can direct a professional multicamera live video event using just a few smartphones. Two apps stand out for multicamera live switching, so we put them to the test.

A Hybrid Approach Guides the Changing Face of On-Prem Encoding

Demand for on-prem encoding is waning, and vendors are responding with innovative hybrid approaches that offer the best of on-prem and the cloud.

Review: Stroom Live Delivers 4K Streaming From Any Location

What Stroom lacks in marketing polish it makes up for in performance and cost. Just be sure to have a reliable power source at the ready, because this system drains batteries.


Publishers Learn NewFronts Equation: Content + Scale = Impossible

Who won the NewFronts this year? 推特了. Not by producing great video, but by distributing video for many of the biggest publishers online.

Streams of Thought

Streaming Video Exploration Makes the World a Little Smaller

Both armchair explorers and scientists are making use of new video technologies that are able to see more deeply than human vision can.


Developers Pay the Pioneer Tax for WebRTC 在线直播

There's a cost to being cutting-edge, and for low-latency live video streaming that involves learning WebRTC and accepting limited browser support.


Virtual Reality Development Is Moving in the Wrong Direction

VR faces huge production and consumer challenges and is still evolving at a rapid rate. So why is the industry already talking about standardization?

The 生产商's View

Testing HEVC: Please Take a Moment to Help Measure Performance

Early testing of HEVC playback in HLS showed positive but inconsistent results. We need StreamingMedia.com readers to step up and help provide more data.


Educators, Prepare With This Supply List for Teaching With Video

Bringing video into the classroom doesn't have to be expensive. Read this helpful list to discover the seven basic items every classroom should have.

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