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5月20日,星期一,下午6点 纽约流媒体,就……主题进行了两场生动的辩论 AI在媒体和娱乐中的应用 展示行业领军人物. 第一个,“人工智能:恩惠还是泡沫?,研究了人工智能进入媒体各个领域的方式, 业务, 和科技世界, 它还探讨了人工智能的反叛在多大程度上是一种时尚, 其中有多少是流媒体的未来. 第二个, 《百家乐软件》,,探讨了围绕“人工智能将取代我们的工作”这一想法的恐惧,,并专注于AI/ML如何使工作流程更高效, 扩大或改进覆盖面, 并有助于提高利润.

AI: Boon或Bubble?

创始人辛西娅·纳尔逊 & 管理合作伙伴, Luminacion,主持了“AI: Boon Or Bubble”?,与参与者一起 布雷登·斯托姆·布莱克,CHOZEN公司首席执行官首席营销官Karissa Price; 火龙果.aiSteven Ship,首席执行官 创造性的智能Liz Blacker,战略执行副总裁 & 业务发展, Sabio公司.,首席执行官罗伯特·特切克, 一般创造力 和主持人 未来主义者播客.

Nelson began by asking the group what they thought the most intense debate over AI currently is in Media and Entertainment. Tercek提出了人工智能领域的版权法律问题, arguing that present copyright protections are inadequate to address questions of authorship in AI, and the nuanced issues that can arise when considering that copyright laws generally only protect specific works, 但不是创作者的原创风格. Steve Ship highlighted that AI laws are currently state-by-state focused within the U.S.,他引用了最近的 确保声音和图像安全法案(猫王法案)由田纳西州州长签署成为法律. Bill Lee in March 2024, with the stated purpose to protect musicians from unauthorized usage by AI. 然而, 像这样的法律保护仍然少之又少, 在大多数情况下, 现有的版权法不足以解决人工智能的复杂性.

Nelson asked the group to discuss some of the most contentious issues with AI, 以及火龙果的Karissa Price.我提出了 伊利诺斯州的生物特征数据隐私法, 哪一个, 比如田纳西州的猫王法案, is one of the few strong state laws to protect consumers against privacy violations, 尤其是零售媒体, with its increasingly sophisticated ways that shopper behaviors are being tracked on-site at major retailers such as Walmart. Tercek of 一般创造力 emphasized that government legal protections remain lax due to lobbying by Big Tech, 哪一个 he said spends more on AI than major Media and Entertainment entities due to companies such as Microsoft wanting to overtake the 信息 dominance of Google, 他引用了 微软的副驾驶 as a method to gather a substantial amount of personal 信息 from users through sophisticated AI-driven personalization that is not always transparent to users.

在创意方面, Braden Storm Blacker of CHOZEN spoke of the ways that AI can use predictive analysis for the performance of YouTube videos, 与主要的创作者,如 Mr. 野兽 生成可用于预测模型的视图状态. He said that only a handful of creators are top trending at any given time on YouTube, 为了脱颖而出, good content is not enough and an AI-optimized approach to strategy is essential.   


第二次人工智能辩论, 《百家乐软件》,,由柯特·多蒂主持, 创始人, RealmIQ,执行主任盖伊·比森出席 & 创始人之一, 电流分析Karissa Price,火龙果公司首席营销官.ai, 罗伯特Tercek, 首席执行官, 一般的创造力和未来主义者播客的主持人, 和彼得·凯西, 创始人 & 主席, 创意媒体.

The four participants were split into two groups with each group member debating one another. Doty said the current widespread perceptions of AI are split between a fatalistic mindset (“adopt AI and die”) and a more positive one (“adopt AI and thrive”). 特切克认为,采用人工智能来发展是不可避免的, 随着整个媒体和娱乐行业的收入趋于平缓, 这将导致生成式人工智能的持续发展. Csathy said that a major issue remains that licensing schemes cannot keep pace with tech innovations and that it is important to approach the situation from a more rational than reactive viewpoint. 普莱斯对工作中对目标感的需求特别感兴趣, 她说一般人每天只工作三个小时, 这在很大程度上是由于被剥夺了从事有意义工作的权利. This is only heightened by the increase in AI leading to a sense that many jobs will be eliminated by it. Bisson, 然而, 认为,, 至少在好莱坞是这样, 没有人因为人工智能而失去工作, and that the larger factor at play is the inevitable threat to any jobs that rely on old tech, 意义适应性是关键.  

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


周一, 5月20日, 纽约流媒体 hosted four debates on two topics that represented a fantastic programming win for the conference. The first half of the day was dedicated to AI and covered the full range of topics from authorship to copyright to privacy and more. 第二个 half of the day featured two panels debating the definition of premium content, the value of social media as well as the question of how CTV measures up against mobile as an advertising platform. 继续往下读,了解更多.

SMNYC Highlight: Fireside Chat With Roku President Charlie Collier and Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro

周三, 5月22日, 2024, 在纽约流媒体, 媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗接受了查理·科利尔的采访, Roku Media的总裁,AMC的前总裁, for a deep dive discussion about the development and current dominance of Roku, 美国第一流媒体电视平台. 他们谈到Roku的UI如何为他们的EPG带来“简单和愉悦”, Roku与其他平台和出版商合作的方式, and the need for a new media ecosystem to support creative risk-taking in the streaming era.

SMNYC主题演讲亮点:击败BUZZR & 品牌与. 零售

周二, 5月21日, 在纽约流媒体, a series of morning keynotes featuring leading industry figures covered a wide range of topics, including how Microsoft and Fremantle are gamifying FAST and capitalizing interactive TV, 以及与Crackle关于品牌与零售的激烈辩论, 超级广告, IAB, 和维茨关于她.

NAB 2024:评估娱乐领域的AI革命

The signal-to-noise ratio in today's relentless AI buzz is far from optimal—particularly at NAB 2024, where the Everything AI vibe was off the chart from the moment the show began—but one session that cut through the noise and swapped hype for refreshing insight and candor was titled The AI Revolution in Entertainment: One Year On…


Much discussion of AI and streaming relates to streamlining and automating workflows, but how content companies can leverage it to personalize their content and target ads more efficiently, 其他盈利策略, 这个行业正在密切关注的另一个问题是什么. Chris Pfaff dives into this question with Vevo's Bethany Atchison, Warner Bros. 探索频道的丹·特罗塔报道, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, and Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


What are the significant upsides and downsides to the growth and adoption of ChatGPT and other AI applications for streaming professionals, 以及他们如何有效地利用其优势? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveX的科里·本克, AugX Labs的Jeremy Boeman说道, Mobeon的Mark Alamares, and Intellivid 研究's Steve Vonder Haar discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


How can streaming pros deal with all of the copyright and fact-checking pitfalls of using AI systems trained with public datasets as error-ridden and inappropriately expropriated as the internet itself? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, IntelliVid 研究的Steve Vonder Haar说, AugXLabs的Jeremy Toeman说, and LiveX的科里·本克 discuss how to navigate this minefield in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.